Hindrums frihetliga alster: Tsunamiskandal del 4 - Sparka Freivalds

Hindrums frihetliga alster

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Tsunamiskandal del 4 - Sparka Freivalds

Laila Freivalds var en utav de personer som hade huvudansvaret för den svenska insatsen dygnen efter Tsunamikatastrofen. Utrikesministern tog inga egna initiativ när det gällde att informera sig om läget. Utrikesministern åkte några dagar efter katastrofen ner till Thailand på någon slags PR-tripp. Detta upptog många mänskliga och materiella resurser som de drabbade var mer i behov av än Freivalds. Hon borde istället ha stannat hemma och samordnat arbetet på UD. Laila Freivalds har ännu inte tackat de som gjorde ett massivt räddningsarbete i Thailand. Utrikesministern visste inte vad Phuket var, trots att detta var ett av de största resmålen för svenskar vid den tiden. Visa att ni inte accepterar en utrikesminister som nonchalerar svenska medborgare på det viset. Skriv på uppropet på

For those non-Swedish speaking people who may log on to my blog:

The Swedish Secretary of State, Laila Freivalds, was one of those who had the main responsibility of the Swedish efforts after the tsunamidisaster in South East Asia. Many Swedish citizen were in need of help, but Freivalds did not take any initiative in informing herself about the situation. A few days after the disaster Freivalds went to Thailand in order to shoot some pictures of herself in the area where the flood broke in. This was nothing more but a promotion trip, and many human and material resources that could have been used to help people in need became unavailable becouse of her trip. Further, Freivalds has not yet said thanks to the volunteers who worked day and night in the affected countries. Phuket in Thailand was at the time one of the most visited travel spots among the Swedish citizen, still, Freivalds later told in an interview that she did not know what Phuket was. The Swedish people deserves a better Secretary of State, who puts the people infront of herself. Log on to and write your name and your town in the boxes where it says "Ditt namn" and "Din ort". By doing that, you will help the Swedish people getting rid of one of the worst Secreteries of State ever.


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